Dr Emma Jackson
New Zealand Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist representative
Emma is currently the Clinical Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Christchurch Women’s hospital, Otautahi, New Zealand where she has been working as a generalist Consultant since 2011. Prior to this she trained in the South Island of New Zealand, in the UK and in a fellow post in South Auckland. Emma enjoys a broad range of interests across the speciality including laparoscopic surgery, outpatient hysteroscopy and rapid access abnormal uterine bleeding clinics. Emma is also heavily involved with all sorts of projects in her Clinical Director capacity as well as being a current Te Kahui Oranga o Nuku (NZ committee of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) committee member and a member of the RANZCOG council. Emma is passionate about trying to achieve better national consistency and equity in women’s health care both in terms of access, treatment and outcomes.